KJS celebrates 25th birthday and invests

KJS staff celebrated the company's birthday last month
KJS staff celebrated the company's birthday last month

KJS We Are Direct Mail has celebrated 25 years in business in a month that has also seen it install 70 solar panels.

Established in 1998 by directors Stuart Speechley and Kevin Brown, the Peterborough-based company turned 25 on 22 June, and staff celebrated the occasion the following day with a barbecue and cake, while other staff social events will follow over the next few months.

KJS managing director Stuart Speechley said: “A lot has changed in both the print and direct mailing world over those years, but our ethos of providing our clients with a fast, friendly and accurate service has never changed.

“We are proud to have built some strong relationships with our clients, many from day one are still with us today and many we now consider friends too.”

He added: “We have tried to move with and ahead of the changing markets and the business landscape to offer our clients the best services available to them. Investments into eco-friendly LED UV litho printing [on a four-colour Sakurai SRA2 press] and the recent installation of a [CMC] paper wrapping line among them.

“All of this would have not been possible without having a great team around us. We have exceptional and dedicated account managers, IT studio and production staff.

“A good few have been with us on the journey from the early days. In fact, our IT manager James Pawlak started with us at the age of 16 and turned 40 this month. Yes, it does make us feel old!”

The company’s 70 solar panels were installed a fortnight ago, to enable it to further enhance its eco credentials over the coming years.

The business has also recently invested £40,000 in an X-Jet Kirk-Rudy inkjet unit from AMS Mailing Systems, to replace an older model.

“As we handle quite a good proportion of transactional mail for high profile companies, data handling and control is of extremely high importance to us, so we have also recently spent a considerable amount of money on door entry security systems,” Speechley told Printweek.

“So each area of our building has controlled and monitored access by electronic keys.”

Speechley added he was looking forward to finding out what the next 25 years holds for KJS.

“We don’t have any plans to stop doing what we are doing and as long as our clients still love what we do then why not!”

20 staff work at the £3.5m-turnover business, which operates from a 1,000sqm site.