Print Lord claims title

Jim Cunliffe shares tongue-in-cheek new moniker for consultancy

Cunliffe's newly adopted title has come with some unusual adornments
Cunliffe's newly adopted title has come with some unusual adornments

Industry veteran and former director at Face Media Jim Cunliffe has anointed himself the ‘Print Lord’ in a tongue-in-cheek marketing ploy for his new consultancy.

Cunliffe’s Print Lord print brokerage and consultancy business, launched in July, has seen him hailed ‘Print Lord’ by hundreds of people at networking events; Cunliffe has now even adopted a crown, sceptre – and beard – to round out the alter-ego.

“For the last four to five years, I’ve done a huge amount of networking – but I realised that I needed to do something to remind all these people what I do for a living,” Cunliffe told Printweek.

The birth of his new consultancy has been anything but ordinary, Cunliffe admitted.

“I’m one of those guys that won’t fit in in a strictly corporate environment – so I have to do it my way,” he said.

“So now, I stand up in front of 100 people every month at a breakfast club, and say ‘My name’s Jim, A.K.A...’ and then people put their hands up and all shout ‘Print Lord!’ at me.

“It’s a bit of a piss-take – but I’ll be taking the crown with me to The Print Show at the NEC.”

While the surface might be lighthearted – “I need to have fun with it” – Cunliffe’s offering to clients is sincere.

“I’m trying to bring personal communication back into [print brokering] and get people in for a chat,” he said.

“A lot of [print customers] don’t know what they’re doing, so for me it’s about building a relationship with trust. If they’re going through a website, they’ll only ever get standard effects or sizes, where I can get them exactly what they want. For me, it’s all about service, and having that relationship.”

Cunliffe works as part of a team of two, based in Brighton; in the early 2000s he was part of Face Media Group’s print team that managed to make early inroads into internet printing.