Ipex on course to fill all space in record 2006

Ipex 2006 could be the biggest in the shows history, in terms of floorspace, according to organiser IIR.

The additional capacity has been freed up due to the replacement of Hall 10 with Hall 20, which offers an extra 6,000m2. This follows hot on the heels of the announcement that over 70% of the show's space had already been sold (PrintWeek, 11 November).


"We are extremely encouraged by the demand for space at Ipex 2006 so far," said IIR sales director Louisa Theobald.


Hall 20, which is set to primarily host pre-press and digital exhibitors, has its own entrance as well as being accessible from Hall 6, the pre-press venue.


"Hall 20 will provide visitors with an exciting mix of product development and market intelligence through the cutting-edge technology on show," said Theobald.