Growth for Access Plus

Access Plus, the Bristol-based print management and direct mail group, has reported growth in both turnover and pre-tax profits for the six months to 30 June 2003.

Chairman and chief executive Tim Brettell also said talks were ongoing with an unnamed suitor over the acquisition of its entire share capital (PrintWeek, 2 May).

Print management, which accounts for 66% of group sales, reported a 6% rise in sales to 10.4m.

Total turnover increased 8% to 15.8m thanks to contract wins over the last year.

Pre-tax profits of 2.3m, before goodwill, were up 5% on the same period last year.

The results demonstrate a significant improvement in our performance, with print management, our major business area, continuing to perform well, said Brettell.

Net debt has been reduced from 983,000 in December 2002 to 153,000.