Funding boost for printable electronics

A Print Yorkshire-led consortium has secured almost 200,000 in funding to research and develop printed electronics, which involves embedding electronic components onto a substrate to create interactive products.

The funding was awarded to the consortium, along with plastic printing specialist Ryedale, as part of a competition organised by Northern Way – a collaboration between three Regional Development Agencies in the north of England, which distributed a total of £800,000 to businesses to develop printed electronics projects in the region.

Print Yorkshire will distribute the money to its consortium members to come up with ideas, while Ryedale is working with Manchester University and Dublin University to develop its own applications. 

Mike Hopkins, project manager at Print Yorkshire, said: "This is not blue-sky thinking, but using actual components that can be printed already, but this is something that hasn't been done in a commercial area."

James Buffoni, head of marketing at Ryedale, added: "There is no guarantee about the outcome, but it will be an interesting journey as this sort of technology doesn't exist in Europe."