Fuji sells first Vx-9600 CTP

Fujifilm Graphic Systems has signed the first order for its new B1 Luxel Vx-9600 CTP system with Lithographic Group, the web offset printer based in County Wicklow, Ireland.

The order also includes Fujis newly-launched Brillia LP-NV violet photopolymer plate, and was placed through Lithoteck Graphic Systems, Fujis Irish reseller.

Lithographic Group chief executive Cormac McAlinden said: "We knew the time was right for us to invest in CTP. After reviewing a number of devices, it was clear that none could match the productivity and reliability of the Luxel Vx-9600 CTP."

The deal continues Lithographic Groups relationship with Fuji; it already uses the Japanese manufacturers imagesetters, scanners and

McAlinden said Lithographic Group could "trust the reliability" of Fujis electronics range. The firm needed increased speed and plate production capacity and the ability to work in yellow safe-light conditions.

Lithographic Group uses 32pp and 16pp presses and produces weekly and monthly magazines and commercial work for customers in Ireland, the UK and Europe.

The Luxel Vx-9600 CTP is the first Fuji platesetter to take advantage of the firms 30mW violet (450nm) laser diodes in multi-laser form. Fuji claimed this offered "unrivalled productivity" in its class.