Formpro Mail Marketing administration leaves unsecured creditors with nothing

All of the creditors of failed mailing house Formpro Mail Marketing have been left out of pocket by the company's administration with only the secured creditors seeing any return on their debt.

According to the administrator's report, there will be no funds to distribute among either unsecured or preferential creditors, which include claims relating to wage arrears and holiday pay totalling £78,000.

Meanwhile, the secured creditors, including the company’s bank and invoice discounting provider, will suffer a "significant shortfall" in their indebtedness, which totalled in excess of £2m.

The Bristol-based company went into administration with KPMG in December 2009, with the key assets sold in a pre-pack deal to shareholder Michael Hughes.

PrintWeek has seen a copy of the administrator's progress report, dated from 21 December 2009 to 20 June 2010.

According to administrator Jonathan Pope, £1.45m has been collected so far, of which £1.35m has been paid to Barclays Sales Finance (BSF), which was owed £880,919 through invoice discounting.

The remainder of the debt collected by BSF has been collected on behalf of Formpro's bank, however, the administrator said there would be a "significant shortfall" in the £1.06m, excluding interest and charges, that the bank is owed.