Factory go-ahead for Johnston Press

Johnston Press has gained planning permission for the 45m extension to its News Centre print plant in Portsmouth.

Portsmouth City Council approved the plans, which will heighten part of the factory to house a 120pp triple-width MAN Roland Colorman press, on Wednesday.

The decision also signals the confirmation of Johnston Press' 15-year contract to print News International titles including The Sun and The Times at the centre.

Johnston Press finance director Stuart Paterson welcomed the news which  "cements our relationship with News International".

Paterson said that no order for the MAN Roland press had been signed, but confirmed that a deal was "imminent".

He added that no order had been placed for mailroom kit, which is part of the investment, but said that the decision would be between Muller Martini and Ferag.

Johnston's second triple-width Colorman, to be installed at the publisher's new 60m Sheffield plant, will be installed in a part of the plant which currently houses a four-unit 1988 Goss Community heatset press. News International has also signed a 15-year printing deal for the Sheffield plant.

Johnston plans to end heatset production by the end of the year.

Story by Josh Brooks