De La Rue helps DTI halt couterfeits

Security printer De La Rue has joined forces with the Department of Trade and Industry, Crimestoppers, the Anti-counterfeiting Group and some of the biggest brand names to combat counterfeiting

Security printer De La Rue has joined forces with the Department of Trade and Industry, Crimestoppers, the Anti-counterfeiting Group and some of the biggest brand names to combat counterfeiting.

The scheme is aimed at raising public awareness toward the dangers of counterfeit goods, including organised crime, and encourages people to call Crimestoppers.

The DTI estimates that counterfeiting, or intellectual property crime, costs the UK 9bn a year and is responsible for putting over 4,000 people out of work.

Consumer minister Melanie Johnson said the campaign aimed to change the publics attitude to fakes.

"We know that the publics perception is often based on characters like Del Boy. But there are proven links with serious crime and job losses," she said.

De La Rue is helping to finance the campaign along with Nike, Rolex, Timberland and Tommy Hilfiger.

Some organised counterfeit groups can turn over 10m and of the 36 largest known to the Criminal Intelligence Service, 25 have links to drug trafficking.

De La Rue marketing communications manager Kate Hinsley said: "Its not only organised crime, but the fact that the brand owners lose a lot of money.

That in turn hurts legitimate jobs, the stockmarket and pensions. In some cases the fakes are out before legitimate goods, so its increasingly important for brands to be able to trust their suppliers. A lot more brand owners want protection."

Director of Crimestoppers Trust Roy Clark said: "Theres a line of thought that its a Del Boy character, but theres something more sinister to it than that. There might be three or four handshakes between Del Boy and Bin Laden."

Contact: Crimestoppers, 0800 555 111.

Story by John Davies