D Sanderson cuts turnaround times with StitchLiner investment

Print finisher D Sanderson (Bookbinders) has seen turnaround improve dramatically following an investment in a Horizon StitchLiner from finishing kit distributor Graphic Arts Equipment.

The Preston-based company, which has been in operation since 1899, bought the machine because it was having difficulty binding large-sized books.

According to production manager Gary Kelly, 38pp booklets were being put through in two passes, which was "awkward" to achieve.

He said: "We would do 24 pages and put one wire in, then run the rest of the pages and slot it in. It didn't look neat."

Since installing the StitchLiner, booklets of all sizes can be put through the machine and it has been able to bring in longer-run work.

The 12-staff company offers services including wiro binding and perfect binding up to around 40,000 on the machine, compared to its previous output of 5,000 runs.

D Sanderson was a family-owned business until 15 years ago when current managing director John Doherty took over.

Also see:
Review: Horizon StitchLiner