The announcement follows the Partner of Fogra qualification awarded to Simon Landau, technical sales manager at wide-format printer reseller CWE Solutions.
He said: "Print buyers and print management companies are increasingly turning to printers with a recognised certification such as Fogra as a guarantee of quality."
The Fogra PSO demonstrates the ability to produce proof and print that can be consistently controlled to a stringently defined tolerance.
GMG already has several Fogra-certified products, including ColorProof, DotProof, and many grades of GMG proofing media.
In September 2007, CWE Solutions sold the UK's first ColorSpan 5465UV flatbed printer to Middlesex-based Contour Direct.
CWE Solutions secures Fogra certification

GMG reseller City and West End Solutions (CWE Solutions) has been certified to offer support and consultancy services to printers hoping to achieve the Fogra Process Standard Offset (PSO) certification.