Excel Print is set to install the UK's first Heidelberg CutStar sheeter, an add-on for its new Speedmaster 102 that allows it to use paper reels.
The Suffolk-based commercial printer bought it as part of a 2m investment that included an eight-colour Speedmaster 102 with perfecting, closed-loop colour control and new
finishing kit.
"CutStar is a nice innovation that makes us more competitive," said managing director Tony Brass.
Due to be installed next month, it sits in front of the press' feeder, cutting rolls into sheets before passing them to the press.
Excel expects to see savings in paper costs by buying reels and by cutting down on waste through selecting the appropriate width and cut-off for each job.
It will also allow the firm to run thinner stocks through the press at a higher speed, according to production director Neil Head.
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"It's wrong to assume the Chinese are behind the curve on automation - it used to be the case that manual processes were kept becuase it was cheaper to use them than buy the automated equipment,..."
"Incredible, what a business!"
"Sad news. Their prices were unsustainable - it was a race to the bottom."