CRDs need to prove their worth, Canon research claims

Corporate reprographic departments (CRDs) need to prove their worth to parent organisations by adding value in the services they offer, according to new research.

The findings stem from a Canon-commissioned report on the CRD market, carried out by Rochester In­­stitute of Technology pro­­­fessor emeritus Frank Romano.

Between December 2008 and February 2009, 677 in-plant managers, observers and print buyers across sectors including charities, education, and health were interviewed.

The research revealed that the number of in-plants has grown by 20% over the past decade and that they are now carrying out 20% more work, with the level of mono and colour work now found to be the same. CRDs were also found to help cut outsourcing print costs by around 15%.

The findings point to the increased productivity of digital printing presses. It goes on to predict that, by 2012, less than 30 % of CRDs will use offset printing processes.

The report also identifies that in-plant bindery options are expanding, as is the use of wide-format printing.