China's print exports to UK up 700% in 10 years

Print imports from China into the UK increased by 700% from 1994 to 2005, new figures from European print federation Intergraf have revealed.

The value of imported print from the Asian giant rose from around 17m (25m) in 1994 to 141m in 2005, according to a report presented to the European Commission at a meeting in Brussels last week.

In the same period, print exported from China to the European Union increased more than sixfold to 305m in 2004, compared with 50m in 1994.

The rapid 15% annual growth in China's print market was also highlighted by the report, which was presented by Intergraf secretary-general Beatrice Klose.

While the level of imports is small compared to the UK's annual print output, which is worth just under 19bn, industry experts warned that UK printers should adapt to the challenge.

Bob Hodgson, president of Intergraf and chairman and chief executive of the Ormolu Group said: "[UK] printers have to be more efficient and offer quicker turnaround."

Scottish Print Employers Federation director Jim Raeburn said: "The approach for UK printers has to be to lobby the European Commission. China must be persuaded to maintain similar environmental [and] health and safety standards to the UK, which would help us compete on an equal footing."

But BPIF public affairs manager Lizzy Hawkins added: "We must keep in mind we [UK] are exporting a higher value of print than we are importing."

But BPIF public affairs manager Lizzy Hawkins added: "We must keep in mind there is a positive balance because we [UK] are exporting a higher value of print than we are importing."

China's print market
Print companies
Growth rate 15% per year
Print centres 3 major centres totalling 14.75bn
2005 print volume 6,000bn books (225,000 titles)
Output value 2.5% of the country's GDP
Number employed 3.4m

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