Braille specialist in marketing push

PIA, the braille production specialist based in Cwmbran, Wales, has launched a new look website after discovering that most of its clients were coming via the internet.

"Braille isn't exactly an impulse purchase," said PIA's managing director Sharon Williams. "People only find us when they want to find us, and they were finding us through our website, which was shamefully bad."

The visually impaired printing sector is becoming more competitive as new EU legislation on pharmaceutical packaging comes into effect on 30 October, and Williams plans to take PIA's marketing much more seriously.

"It has become necessary for us to be more proactive and maintain client contact better," said Williams. "There will soon to be a distinct upturn in the opportunities that visually impaired people have to request accessible materials such as Braille."

The BPIF has recently said that new legislation on the printing of visually impaired materials could provide the industry with a "goldmine" worth up to 45m.

PIA will be attending the BPIF's networking event on alternative format printing in London on 29 November.