Bookbinders of London cuts turnaround time ahead of school yearbook service launch

Bookbinders of London (BoL) has cut its turnaround time with a trimmer installation, a week ahead of the launch of its online school yearbook service.

The north London-based company installed a Challenge CMT-130 book trimmer from Duplo, to run alongside its DPB-500 PUR perfect binder, installed in 2009.

According to managing director Ian Bailey the investment will allow the company to maintain a low price.

He said: "We can leave the cutter running by itself for half an hour, come back and the job is done. If we had bought another guillotine, it would have required an additional shift."

The CMT-130 is a single-knife auto book trimmer, with 99-job programme memory. It also has the ability to finish multiple books in the same pass, giving it a capacity of 500 books per hour.

In August 2009, the company announced its intention to launch a school yearbook website, a plan which has this year come to fruition, with users able to order online from next week.

The books will be produced on the company's Xerox 700 machine.

Bailey said: "It is no good us relying on work being sent in to be turned into a book: we have print capabilities and we have to generate our own print work. The yearbook work will support our press and help fill our capacity."