Arjowiggins creates Paperworld for video campaign

Arjowiggins Graphic and Antalis has launched a video campaign detailing the fantasy land of Paperworld in a bid to raise the profile of recycled papers.

The 90-second viral clip features a young girl following origami animal characters through bustling streets and speeding traffic to reach Paperworld, a parallel universe of green fields and yet more paper-based creatures.

Arjowiggins drafted in production company Banana Split to create the Youtube clip using a combination of animation, green screen and real life footage.

The video aims to communicate the benefits for businesses that come from opting to use recycled papers, and ends with the tagline: "Discover the beauty of recycled papers".

It comes shortly after an Arjowiggins Graphic survey found that 30% of respondents view the sourcing of sustainable material as the biggest environmental challenge facing their business in the next two to three years.

Arjowiggins Graphic marketing and corporate communications manager Shannan Hodgson said: "Companies are more frequently looking to source supplies that match the requirements of their corporate social responsibility policies.

"Switching to recycled papers is a simple way for businesses to meet sustainability targets and more and more, it’s what their customers will expect. Recycled papers can have a big impact on the business’ carbon footprint – also saving water, energy, wood and waste."

The video was launched on 9 April.