Appeals court denies Quad/Tech injunction bid against QIPC

A US federal court of appeals has rejected Quad/Tech's bid to overturn a lower court ruling, denying it an injunction against Q I Press Controls selling colour register control technology it believes infringes its patents.

The decision, taken in Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, DC, affirmed the Honourable Eduardo Robreno's ruling which claimed the company had failed to prove patent infringement and hadn't established the element of irreparable harm necessary to obtain the preliminary injunction.

Quad/Tech appealed on the basis of 'abuse of discretion' on the basis that "the court made a clear error of judgment in weighing relevant factors or exercised its discretion based upon an error of law or clearly erroneous factual findings".

Quad/Tech claims that QIPC products infringe its US patent 5,412,577, and while it has had some success against QIPC in a similar claim in Germany in 2008 where it won an injunction against the company preventing it from selling its markless register control MRC system, it has struggled in its US claim.