What is your nickname?
Why did you get into printing?
Printing was always something I found very fascinating and factory work seemed to suit me very well
What would be your dream job?
Chairman of a football team
What is your dream bit of kit?
I operate a Muller Martini Diamant casebinder and it is the best bit of kit I have worked on by far
What would you most like to print?
Something Celtic-related, I’m a big fan
What is your favourite film?
Goodfellas. I know the script I have seen it that many times
What is your favourite TV show?
Soccer AM
Who do you admire most in the industry?
My dad. He always pushes me to do my best and makes my workplace somewhere I look forward to going to
What is your favourite saying?
‘If it was easy everyone would be doing it.’ Gets you through a hard day
What is your favourite album?
(What’s the Story) Morning Glory by Oasis. I’m a fan of Manchester music
What is your favourite book?
I am still to find one, but I enjoy printing a different variety of books in work
Cat or dog, or…?
I always wanted a dog but never had one, my mum won’t let me
What is the strangest job you’ve ever done?
Trying to operate Bell & Bain’s original jacket machine, which was made in 1970, all on my own was horrible
Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with?
Brendan Rodgers
What is your greatest ambition?
To be better than my old man. That will be a massively difficult task but I believe I can do it
What’s your greatest fear?
Attending work after a work night out
Most embarrassing moment?
Tipping a pallet of books in the middle of the factory
Where would you like to be right now?
Tenerife on my holidays
What’s your worst fashion disaster?
Dying my hair blonde
Who would be your favourite party guests?
The Gallagher brothers
Where would you go if you could time-travel?
Alcatraz. I’ve watched all the documentaries and the escape amazes me
What was your childhood obsession?
Having all the Celtic strips
What advice would you give to your teenage self?
To stick in at school
How would you like to be remembered?
As someone who brought something to this workplace to make it better for others
Life is…?
What you make it. You’ll get out what you put in