Q&A: Andy Wilson, managing director, PressOn

PressOn has just expanded onto a new site in Chatham, and Andy and his wife Anita have some expansion going on at home too – the couple have “three beautiful daughters and a son on the way”.

If all that wasn’t enough to keep Andy permanently busy, he still finds time to indulge his passion for motorsport by racing off-road endurance bikes. 

What is your nickname?  

I have one, but I’m not sharing it

Why did you get into printing? 

I was working in a newspaper selling space and a friend of a friend said they knew someone who had started a company using a ‘digital printing technique’, they needed someone in sales and the rest is history

What would be your dream job? 

I’ve always fancied being a classic sports car dealer. Maybe when I retire?

What is your dream bit of kit?

Any machine where I can buy my own choice of consumables and parts, and use any engineer I like

What would you most like to print?   

I’d like to wrap Buckingham Palace

Who do you admire most in the industry? 

Lascelle Barrow from Augustus Martin. I don’t know him personally but I’ve read about him. In this industry you have to innovate or you will not survive and anyone who can bring a company the size of Augustus Martin through nearly 50 years of such a competitive industry must be doing something right

What is your favourite album? 

Glow by Reef

What is your favourite book?

I’m dyslexic so reading isn’t my favourite pastime, I did however read Jackie Stewart’s autobiography last year. He’s also dyslexic, which is ironic as it is a very long book!

What is your greatest luxury in life?

Cigars, I love them although the opportunity to smoke them is very hard to find

Who would you like to be stuck on a desert island with? 

Bear Grylls 

Who or what makes you laugh?  

Dave Allen, absolute legend, look on YouTube for the ‘telling the time sketch’ – who hasn’t had that conversation with their kids?

What was your childhood obsession?

Motor racing, never been into anything else like football or rugby; tried golf, didn’t like it. I still race off road enduro now, it frightens me every time I do it. We should all get out of our comfort zones once in a while!

Where would you like to be right now?  

Riding my bike

What’s your worst fashion disaster? 

Dying my hair orange in my early 20s

Which superpower would you like to have? 

Instead of X-ray vision I would like Pantone vision

Who would be your favourite party guests?

Steve McQueen, Dave Allen, Barry Sheene, James Hunt, Mike Hailwood – it would be a lads’ night out!

What is the worst kind of print?

Any print done by a firm whose owner doesn’t care about quality and service, these qualities need to be led from the top down, sounds obvious to most of us but many still don’t get it and it gives the rest of us a bad name

Life is…?  

100mph. Try to keep up