Overmatter: In the cutest dog house

Mabel in her Barbie Pink Swedboard dog house

Does Data Image Group have the most adorable brand champion in print?

Overmatter is smitten by images of Mabel, a floofy Poochon (a Bichon Frisé and Miniature Poodle cross) living her best life at the Leicester large-format print specialist. 

Mabel belongs to CEO Robert Farfort, but shares her joyful presence among team members and clients.

Data Image Group social media specialist Darren Woodhouse explained Mabel’s enviable lifestyle: “She comes to the office most days and if we have a client visit most ask if Mabel will be in.

“Her favourite thing is running around on top of the recycling cardboard skip and also when one of the team are on Zoom she likes to sit on their lap and look at the person on the screen at the other end.”

Mabel also has several custom ‘Dog House’ cardboard kennels available for her, made of Swedboard recyclable material.

The designs include Data Image Group branding (DIG, geddit?), a Barbie Pink version and her very own Christmas log cabin.

“They fold and are self standing when folded out,” explains Woodhouse.

The firm has also made custom kennels for clients who’ve been impressed with Mabel’s cute setup – what a puptastically brilliant brand extension!