135 years and going strong

60 seconds with Northend

Northend: "The answer’s yes… What’s the question?"

John William Northend set-up JW Northend in August 1889 at the age of 33. He left his secure job at William Townsend & Son, assured of his own technical ability to gain new customers based on an offer of quality, trust and service.

135 years on as Northend celebrates its anniversary that purpose remains. Sales director Ian McCloskey says: “It seems to be working now as then!”

Where are you based?

Northend is based at Clyde Road in Sheffield, only the third site we’ve occupied since the company was founded

How many staff do you have?

Northend currently has 35 full-time and five part-time staff on the payroll

What does your firm do?

Northend is a full service print house from design through to delivery, able to print digitally, litho and wide-format as well as offering pick and pack, warehousing, storage and fulfilment services to customers nationwide

What’s your typical customer?

National, multi-site, requiring a range of branded materials to deliver their own purpose

Which areas do you serve?

National throughout the UK with some delivery points in Benelux and Germany

Which markets do you serve?

A wide range with retail and education sectors being the largest

What’s your USP?

The answer’s yes… What’s the question?

What’s your company’s motto/mission statement?

To exceed client expectations at every touch point

What equipment do you run?

Canon digital and wide-format presses. RMGT SRA1 five-colour LED-UV litho and a wide range of in-house finishing kit to add value and keep control of quality, while minimising distribution costs

What’s been your proudest achievement in the past few years?

To survive lockdown and deliver a three-year plan to recover to a sustainable, profitable position

Where do you see your business in five years’ time?

Continuing to thrive and grow through adding a range of sector related services linked to customers’ ever-changing requirements

What’s your team’s favourite biscuit?

Jammie Dodgers, are there other biscuits?!