Twin US premieres for Global

Global PrePress Systems is showcasing its Galaxy Cadet 50 small format CTP and Chameleon BenchPress digital printer for the first time in the US at GOA 2012.

The machines, on show on stand 977, are the result of its partnership with alfaCTP Systems and are targeted at the small- to medium-sized print shop.

The devices are both badged versions of alfaCTP devices, with alfa's Esprit II CTP becoming the Galaxy Cadet 50 and its DCP-4C printer being named the Chameleon BenchPress. 

According to Global PrePress Systems the machines are "cost conscious, simplistic systems" that marry innovation with ease-of-use.

Mike Seale, vice president of sales and marketing, says the equipment they are targeted at smaller print business.

He said: "We anticipate rigorous activity as we are confident our product lines are tailored for a diverse market.

"Our goal is to make a significant amount of sales and establishing new long-term relationships throughout the Americas."