"Apart from technology issues," commented Zaveri, "there are many areas which the label sector in India needs to address, and I hope to have some worthwhile sessions, deliberations and visits which will enable LMAI to become the organisation of choice for addressing these topics."
PrintWeek India has teamed up with LMAI for the three-day seminar, which will be held at the Hotel Park Hyatt in Goa. Well-known international firms in the narrow web industry will be available at the table-top exhibition to discuss latest technology in their area of expertise.
Experts will be speaking on the Indian success stories in the label industry including materials.
An informal dinner, hosted by LMAI will take place providing delegates with the opportunity for personal discussions with all the speakers and participants.
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"Not sure you can say it's marmite. Some people like marmite....
Clearly G.F Smith are feeling the pinch at the moment. Some strange decisions internally, odd decisions to let some staff go and..."
"An Apprentice Task? What does Lord Sugar say...."
"Now I get it. The G and F are eyes and SMITH is the smiley teeth. They should recruit Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem.
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