The Whittington Press showcases historic letterpress kit

The Whittington Press will be showcasing its historic letterpress machines to coincide with the annual Whittington Summer Show in Cheltenham on 1 September.

Visitors will be invited to print their own posters on the 50-year-old Adana and a forme will be set up on the Albion and Farley presses for show-goers to experiment on the proofing presses.

Books produced over the past year will be available to buy and a collection of works produced over the past year will be on display at the open event.

Works from letterpress artist Dennis Gould will also be on show and letterpress enthusiast Neil Winter of Typoretum will be casting 72pt Caslon Titling from the Supercaster monotype press.

The Whittington Press’ 1860 Columbian letterpress and Wharfedale, from the 1930s, will be on show, along with a 1920s Heidelberg platen and SSB from the 1960s.

The show will begin at 1pm and takes place at Whittington Court, and is set to attract an array of printers, binders, marblers, wood-engravers and paper-makers involved in producing artistic books.

For more information, click here.