Sarum Colourview invests in new Heidelberg Speedmaster

Litho and digital printer Sarum Colourview has invested in a new Heidelberg Speedmaster CX 102-5+L with Inpress Control, which will replace two older presses.

The new press, which will be delivered this week, is to replace a Speedmaster SM 102-6 and a Speedmaster SM 74-5. It was funded by Lombard Asset Finance.

The Salisbury-based company, which also has offices in Covent Garden and Reading, hopes that the new printer will enable it to increase turnover by 25% within 12 to 18 months.

Sarum Colourview managing director Charles Dew-Jones said: "This is a two-for-one press replacement programme. The new machine should generate more than the combined production of the two machines that it is replacing. We will run the press 24 hours per day, six days a week and with a switch of shifts we can make this investment without losing any staff."

"Indeed, if we attract new business – which is what we expect – we may even have to recruit more people in finishing. We believe this investment gives us the potential to increase our current £4m-turnover by 25% in the next 12 to 18 months."

The company, which was founded in 2002, has 40 staff.