New Delhi to host the first ever WAN-IFRA - SND conference and workshop on news design in South Asia

WAN-IFRA and the Society for News Design (SND) have joined hands to organise the first-ever News Design conference in South Asia. The event will be held at New Delhi from 23-24 January, 2012.

Javier Errea, the visual journalist who designed the award winning 'i' (Lisbon) will be the keynote speaker. The event will address challenges of designing for multiple formats.

The conference will have focus sessions on newspaper design and re-design, information graphics and designing for the online/tablets. The challenges of designing for multiple formats will be presented. The confirmed list of speakers include Adonis Durado of Times of Oman, Abel Robinson of Mint from HT Media, Deepak Harichandan of The Times of India, Douglas Okasaki of Gulf News, Hans Peter Janisch, newspaper designer from Germany, Sukriti Gupta of MMI Online from Jagran Prakashan, Tyson Evans of The New York Times Interative News Desk.

"This region has a vibrant and growing news publishing industry with a lot of talent. Events like these will act as a bridge between the latest global news design trends and the regional design sensibilities," said Magdoom Mohamed, managing director of WAN-IFRA South Asia.

The conference will be followed by a workshop on day two, where the participants will analyse their product and will have the opportunity to work on the design under the guidance of a trainer. The workshop will give the participants a critique on their typography, visual storytelling, use of colour and newspaper and story structuring. It will also help to correct practical problems in the daily workflow of the design desk.