Grafica Flextronica reaps success of Printpack show

Vasai-based screen press manufacturer Grafica Flextronica has claimed that the recent Printpack exhibition was "the best show in the last four years".

The company welcomed thousands of visitors to its stall and took orders for more than 13 presses during the show.

Grafica was able to garner bookings for three fully automatic and nine semi-automatic presses at its stall.

Managing director Bhargav Mistry said: "We displayed screen printing presses at our stall. The response was terrific from the first day of the show."

He added: "We had offset printers visiting our stall and taking a look at special effects created by our presses."

According to Mistry, the focus has shifted to specialised applications while standard products have been adopted by digital and offset printing.

He said: "Everyday is a new day. Grafica is aspiring to locate new niche markets, which hold future potential for the screen printing segment."