First half of £6.5m investment arrives at S&G

Stephens & George has taken delivery of a new Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 106 eight-colour perfector, which was ordered in November along with a second identical model due for delivery in 2015.

Installation of the 18,000sph device took place throughout February with staff training in the first week of March and the first live production day on 9 March.

“It’s certainly come out of the blocks very quickly," said S&G production manager Paul Enoch. “On that first day we printed 169,000 80gsm silk sheets in a 12-hour shift, which is really impressive to say the least.”

The new press brings the total number of Speedmaster XL units at the Merthyr Tydfil-based magazine printer to 41, according to Enoch.

It joins the firm’s other Heidelberg equipment, which includes an existing eight-colour, 15,000sph XL 106 perfector, a five-colour XL 106 straight press, two 10-colour XL 105 perfectors, a two-colour SM 52 and a two-colour SM 102 ZP.

“This new machine isn’t missing a beat below 18,000sph. My queries about whether it can handle different paper sizes and types at this speed have been answered,” said Enoch.

“It’s going to give us the productivity and efficiency that we need to grow and give us an added advantage. It’s all about keeping a step ahead of the competition,” he added.

The new press features the latest Cutstar reel-to-sheet technology, Auto XL plate changing, auto register and Inpress Colour Control.

To support the additional capacity, S&G has taken on two new members of staff to help man the presses.

Enoch said: “It’s the perfect investment for us to grow with increased firepower over the next year until we take on our next press.”

The second XL 106 is due to be installed in February next year, replacing one of the firm’s 10-colour XL 105s.

Managing director of the £24m-turnover business Andrew Jones added: “It is our policy to invest in the latest technology to service our publishing clients. The new press will free up much needed capacity, give us more flexibility and give us quite a bit of headroom to develop the business."

Earlier Jones told PrintWeek that he hoped the dual investment would push the company’s turnover up to around £30m.

Heidelberg sales director Jim Todd commented: "From their first XL long perfector to their fifth in as many years is the ultimate evidence of S&G’s aggressive policy to keep ahead with the very latest, most productive technology on the market.

“This level of investment through the worst of the recession is unrivalled in the sector and will no doubt provide S&G with the strongest base for growth".