Business and technology features from

Here's a selection of some of PrintWeek's informative and thought-provoking features from the past few months.

Paper cleans up
Despite already being one of the greenest industries, paper is working hard to become even greener, finds Simon Creasey

Pressing changes
Offset giants like KBA are diversifying into new markets as sales begin to drop off, but Philip Chadwick asks if this will mean the core press product is neglected in favour of new outlets

Can you bank on print's future?
Far from ending, print's involvement in the financial sector is evolving, finds Philip Chadwick

Commission schemes: redefine the carrot and stick
With the recession hitting print hard, Jo Francis discovers that profits can come from redefining the way in which your sales staff operate and getting tougher on targets

Go with the flow
While scepticism among printers about the potential ROI of JDF may have slowed its uptake, the benefits can be substantial, says Barney Cox

Cut-price finishing
Finding the money for a big investment is tough at the moment, but a relatively small spend on a piece of finishing kit could deliver a healthy return, finds Philip Chadwick

Put your ad here
Filling the space on transactional mail with advertising is predicted to be worth billions, but Philip Chadwick finds that despite press advancements making it easier, clients aren't biting

Digital goes heavy metal
Despite the advances in digital print technology, metallic effects have proved difficult to reproduce. However, thanks to some clever inks, that may not be the case for much longer, says Barney Cox

The soft option
For many, the concept of soft proofing is daunting, but if you can get your head around the importance of colour management, you will discover it is not that hard, explains Simon Nias

Pimp your press
Just like any car, presses need regular services and new parts, so make the most of what you've got by making regular pitsops, says Philip Chadwick

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