APP targeted by Greenpeace at paper awards

Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) has been the target of a Greenpeace protest after the NGO hijacked this week's Pulp & Paper International (PPI) awards to present "The Golden Chainsaw Award" to the paper manufacturer.

The event was held in Brussels on Tuesday (16 November) where the NGO presented the award to APP's Stuart Andrews, manager, Europe, sustainability and stakeholder outreach.

Andrews said: "Greenpeace presented the award to me, which I accepted with good humour.

"They still haven't explained what it means. I would be happy to speak to them about this and expect they will get back in touch."

An Lambrechts, forest campaigner, Greenpeace Belgium, who was in charge of the guerilla marketing event, told PrintWeek: "We wanted to make it clear to APP that we are serious about them having to deliver on their own sustainability claims and show what they are really worth.

"The golden chainsaw award is symbolic for the destruction of natural forests they are still causing and don't seem to want to give up on. If this would be the case, then we would be very pleased to finally see some evidence of that."

APP has repeatedly been the target of protests by NGO's over allegations that it is destroying Indonesia's rainforests.

However, APP has strongly denied such allegations.