Technical Feature

The printer unit of DE2, built from Babbage's designs

How Charles Babbage invented computer printing

Sitting on an upper floor of the Science Museum in London are hulking metal examples of a Victorian mechanical computer age that never actually happened. These are the invention of Charles Babbage...

Paper tigers

These are changing times for pulp and paper makers. While mill and machinery closures across Europe and the UK have resulted in shrinking capacity, particularly for graphical paper grades, this has...

Printing in another dimension

Augmented reality – or AR, as most of us refer to it – is seeping into the print industry and changing the way we interact with brands and products.

The future is up in the air

Cloud-based systems are changing the way printers work, allowing them to better serve changing customer demands and put resources and capital into more effective channels, as well as providing...

Flexo widens its appeal

Back in July we looked at how advances in automation and fast drying are allowing the latest litho presses to increasingly compete what were once the USPs of digital processes: short runs and fast...

Best of British: Rollem plays its cards right

About half of our Best of British subjects and future candidates have surprisingly long histories. They’ve survived by adapting to the huge changes in technologies, social and economic conditions over...

Best of British: Hamillroad’s big screen test

How does a small Cambridge developer produce halftone screening software intended to outperform the big pre-press players? This is the story of Hamillroad, which sells advanced Digitally Modulated...

Bells and whistles litho can take on short-run digital

In the quarter century or so that digital colour presses have been around, most of the debate has been about if, how, and when they would take over from ‘conventional’ printing processes.

Digital print gives indie fashion labels more autonomy

A growing number of independent fashion brands are using digital print to produce their own sustainable clothing.

Get your site right and watch your business take off

Websites that convert potential customers into actual customers are essential in today’s marketplace – if yours doesn’t, your rivals’ might.