
Think you’ve seen it all? Think again!

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Lifelong learning

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company and pioneer of mass production, once said: “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.

Celloglas slimes up glow-in-the-dark Ghostbusters cover

At around 70,000 copies sold per issue, Empire magazine is proof that the sector is far from moribund. However, it did want its March 2024 issue to be a bit more dead – or rather, undead.

Flagship wide-format expo takes big strides forward in Amsterdam

Fespa’s Global Print Expo is a celebrated annual fixture in the wide-format print calendar that more often than not takes place in a German city every May.

Attendance at Drupa is no longer mandatory, but there are still plenty of reasons to go

For some printers, Drupa has an almost mythical status; attendance is business critical.

Weiss: LEPx technology is a huge step for the industry

HP roadshow flags up Drupa launches around the UK

HP held the London leg yesterday (25 April) of its five-date pre-Drupa roadshow that has been taking place at art galleries across the UK.

Epson's new P20500 series art printer will debut at Drupa 2024

Epson president to showcase inkjet evolution in Drupa speech

Epson’s global president, Yasanori Ogawa, will give a keynote speech on the first day of Drupa 2024, 28 May, showing how Epson has reinvented itself as a major inkjet manufacturer.

Full details on the new LED-UV curing platform are being kept under wraps for now

Baldwin teases LED-UV launch among new product trio at Drupa

Baldwin Technology is set to reveal three new products at Drupa, including a completely redesigned LED-UV curing platform, “an even more powerful” version of its QuadCure UV line, and an upgraded...

Scodix takes wraps off new uncoated capability and AI tool

Scodix is billing the upcoming Drupa show as “the embellishment Drupa” and will launch two new products along with a raft of additional features – including the ability to embellish onto uncoated...

(L-R) Komori's Craig Bretherton and Ulrich Sause at the open house yesterday

Komori reveals Drupa launches

Komori has outlined a trio of new machines that it will be demonstrating live on its stand at Drupa, including a new digital press.

Dryden to depart with Flint in 'great shape'

Flint Group is set to appoint a new CEO following news that Steve Dryden will leave the business later this year.