
60 seconds with First Display

First Display began life selling advertising space on taxis. “We were sourcing print and couldn’t get the service (timescales, colours, price) so we bought a Roland XC540 which we still utilise to...

Overmatter: branding mish-mash

Fashion-conscious readers will be interested in news that reaches us via PrintWeek contributor Barney Cox, who spotted someone wearing a very interesting box-fresh item on a recent journey on the...

Q&A: Krista Brown, office manager, Crestline Printers

Krista is 28 and has worked in the industry for 10 years. She’s getting married in June and lives near Derby with her partner and cat Bubbles.

Hitting the big screen

Unless you’re a total movie geek, it’s highly unlikely that you will have heard of Ross MacDonald. However, it’s highly likely that you will have seen his work on both the big and the small screen.

Engage with young hearts and minds

With everything that’s going on around Brexit at the moment, this month’s National Apprenticeship Week was sadly lost in the fog of confusion emanating from Westminster and probably passed many of you...

Witherbys sculpts gallery guide for British talent

London-born sculptor Sam Orlando Miller is based in Cataluña in Spain nowadays, but even as his work takes on an increasingly Mediterranean influence befitting his surroundings, he never forgets his...

Fujifilm to make job cuts in Europe; UK situation unclear

Dutch media has reported that Fujifilm is set to close one of its offset plate production lines in Tilburg at the end of the year, resulting in the loss of more than 100 jobs, with some UK jobs also...

Boss appoints Amy Hutchinson as new CEO

Stationery and office supply industry body Boss has appointed Amy Hutchinson as its next chief executive.

A must-read issue in more ways than one

Jo Francis celebrates the talented women making their mark in print, and hopes their numbers will continue to increase.

Star product: Crispy Mountain Keyline

A recent addition to the available MIS options intended to cover all bases.