Print buying
Trinity Mirror merges national titles
Trinity Mirror has continued to rejig its national title division, with the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror being brought closer together.
Media roundup: Karmarama, More!, Corona Extra, Ernst& Young, Nike
We bring you the buzz from the wider media sphere, across the world and across the web. This week: Karmarama lands Time Out; More! revamp; Corona Extra goes outdoor; Ernst & Young appoint media...
Sotheby's Imprint pledges Heidelberg exclusivity for offset work
Print management company Sotheby's Imprint (SI) has announced alliance with Heidelberg for its global offset printing work.
Zevrix adds Adobe InDesign CS6 compatibility to BatchOutput Server
Zevrix Solutions has updated its BatchOutput Server workflow automation software for Adobe InDesign.
Ahlstrom announces global price increase
Materials manufacturer Ahlstrom has announced price increases which will affect label printers globally.
Media roundup: Hello!, Lottery, Kellogg, Brazen, DDB
We bring you the buzz from the wider media sphere, across the world and across the web. This week: Hello! creates 3D Gary Barlow cover; Lottery promotes its Olympic support; kellogg kicks off global...
Print industry news roundup: DS Smith/SCA Packaging, McLays, MBA, Beecroft, API Foils
Stay up to date with your procurement supply chain thanks to print industry news at your fingertips. This week: DS Smith closes on SCA deal; McLays buys XL 106; MBA announces 3m spend; Beecroft wins...
PaperlinX reverts to Burgo and streamlines product line
PaperlinX has dropped two of its recycled paper brands and reassigned the manufacturing of surviving line Revive to Burgo.
CPI UK launches Quantum book line with special edition hardback
Book printer CPI UK has produced its first trade title with fully integrated colour on its HP T350-powered book line, which it has dubbed "Quantum", marking the official launch of the machine in the...
Service Graphics prints 'largest ever' PVC banner for Jubilee
Service Graphics has produced what is claimed to be the UK's largest ever PVC print job, a 100mx37m banner commemorating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.