
Industry calls for clarity over HSE's 'inflexible' FFI scheme

SMEs up and down the country are furious over proposals to levy an hourly fee for investigating H&S breaches at the discretion of HSE inspectors

It's only fair that those who break the rules foot the bill

It is recognised that good health and safety is good business, but some firms may seek to gain a short-term competitive advantage by cutting corners and putting workers and the public at risk.

Arjowiggins balances UK waste and paper production

Arjowiggins Graphics has committed to sourcing the equivalent amount of UK waste paper that it takes to produce recycled paper for the UK market.

John Brown Printers installs new solar panel system

John Brown Printers has installed a 50kWp solar panel system on the roof of its Bilborough-based office.

Fespa to promote environmental sustainability with Verdigris tie-up

Fespa has partnered with environmental research initiative Verdigris to raise issues of environmental sustainability to its members.

UK energy prices to soar above competitor economies

Energy prices will rise faster in the UK than in any other major economy thanks to climate change levies due to start coming in from next year.

FPB blasts new health and safety inspection fee proposals

The Forum of Private Business (FPB) has labelled new government proposals to force businesses to pay for health and safety inspections as inflexible and unclear.

Dats Print installs new computer-to-plate system

Commercial printer Dats Print has switched to a processless CTP system with the installation of a Heidelberg Suprasetter A52 platesetter.

Climate Change Levy discount scheme registration closes on 17 August

Printers registering before 17 August will receive 90% off the CCL on electricity and 65% on gas from April 2013.

H&H Reeds Printers to offset carbon emissions

The move will make H&H Reeds Printers one of the first carbon balanced publication printers in the north-west of England.