
Giving power to the people

The government wants firms to cut costs and their environmental impact by generating their own power, but is it a viable option? Jon Severs investigates

Micro-advances mark way ahead

Evolution - not revolution - is the watchword for further green developments in print, argues Simon Creasey

Focusing on your footprint

Some printers have already set about reducing carbon emissions, but legislation will now make it compulsory for those that have yet to. Philip Chadwick investigates

Closing the loop

Printers are going to need to cut their carbon output as clients' demands for greener print increase, says Noli Dinkovski

Know your regulation

Catherine Wilson and Jamie Kunz, of ENDS Legal Compliance Manager, highlight some of the forthcoming legislation deadlines that printers need to familiarise themselves with

Top green tips

PrintWeek readers reveal their best bits of advice for improving your environmental profile

Gmund introduces eco logo

Gmund has launched an eco certification logo that it said could help customers prove their products are of a high environmental standard.

Brown reveals plans for paperless society within four years

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans to create a paperless society by delivering job centre, passport, driving licence and benefit administration online over the next four years.

UPM says biofuel presents 'huge opportunity' for group's future

UPM's general manager Will Oldham has described the company as "lean and fit" for the future, and highlighted the "huge opportunity" that biomass presents for the industry.

ACT becomes ISO 14001 certified

Large-format print and display company ACT has become ISO 14001 certified after implementing waste separation, utility monitoring and recycling initiatives.