
Clarity is key when it comes to driving change

Celebrating 50 years of operation this year, Southend-based Formara Print & Marketing has, incredibly, come through the past 12 months unscathed. Stronger even. But over the past two decades the road...

No jab, no job?

Just over a year ago, Covid-19 developed from a localised outbreak in a Chinese province to a global pandemic.

Reputation rescue

Reputations, like trust, are hard to earn and easy to lose. Threats to a reputation come in many forms – rivals making underhand allegations, activity by state-run organs and malevolence in elements...

The new face of recruitment

The adoption of technology is relentless, but businesses – and that technology – still need people. Whether it’s for management, the shop floor, accounts or deliveries, people make the world go around...

Suppliers’ perfect storm forecasts pain for printers

In March the eyes of the world turned to the drama unfolding on the Suez Canal, with megaship Ever Given blocking the crucial shipping artery for the best part of a week.

Printweek editor Darryl Danielli

The past year has shot by, but it’s time to think about the ‘R’ word

Time flies when you’re having fun, the same, it appears, is true of working and living through a global pandemic.

Our April and May 21 ‘jabs, jobs and inkjet' issue is out now and as usual it’s stuffed with thought-provoking insights, business critical info and all the latest news and views from the UK print industry...

As life and the economy take further faltering steps towards normality, the new issue of Printweek looks at two hot, post-pandemic topics: do you need a vaccine policy for your teams and how to update...

FFEI was recognised for its excellence in innovation

Seacourt and FFEI among Queen’s Awards winners

A clutch of print and related businesses have been honoured in this year’s Queen’s Awards for Enterprise, which recognise companies that have excelled in innovation, international trade, promoting...

Nespolo said Fedrigoni is placing its people "in excellent hands"

Portals to acquire Fedrigoni’s Security business

Portals is set to acquire Fedrigoni’s Security business, which specialises in the production of security features.

The Benford UV drying system has been installed onto a refurbished Rotopress printer

Aztec boosts sustainability with Benford UV LED install

Aztec Label has installed its first LED UV drying system to further boost its sustainability.