
Format's Ogle (left) with Agfa's Paul Fitch and the new Avinci

Format Graphics ‘blown away’ by Agfa

Format Graphics has installed its first Agfa, an Avinci CX3200 dye-sublimation printer, to support increasing demand for soft signage and enabling it to produce in one day what previously took a week.

The winners will be unveiled at an event at the Mail Rail Museum

SMP calls for Awards entrants

Trade body the Strategic Mailing Partnership (SMP) is inviting mailing houses and printers to enter the 2022 SMP Strategic Mail Performance Awards, which celebrates producers who have achieved...

The Baskerville printing press tribute

Print heritage in spotlight at Games opening

Printing and books featured prominently in the opening ceremony for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, with the achievements of local luminary John Baskerville marked by a giant printing press.

Colourform has continued to win new contracts

James Cropper reports strong start to 2022

James Cropper has reported a positive start to its financial year, with its sales in Q1 up 36% year-on-year.

3D Proof packaging event announced

Vivid Laminating Technologies, GMG Color and Service Offset Supplies (SOS) are hosting an open house event, entitled The 3D Proof, focused on fast, accurate digital proofing for packaging production.

Fiona Dempster has been with PG Paper for nine years

PG Paper head of logistics wins industry award

Scottish paper merchant PG Paper’s head of logistics has won the Freight Leader Award at the 2022 Amazon everywoman in Transport & Logistics Awards.

Grafenia: focus on core competencies of systems and software

Grafenia 'turns corner', reshapes around software

Grafenia has posted year-end results that give a flavour of how the reshaped software business will look after disposing of its manufacturing operations, with chairman Jan Mohr asserting “sometimes...

(L-R) Alex Wilby with Peter, Julie and Richard Bennett

NPS Print merges with Strategic Print

Print and design firm NPS Print and digital printing specialist Strategic Print have merged and become NPS Ltd.

Cimpress: much to celebrate in the results

Cimpress: the pressure is on smaller competitors

Cimpress has filed record sales and gross profit at its year-end, although its Vista brand is yet to fully bounce back as the group nears the end of a huge three-year rebuild of its technology stack.

Harrabin among pulpwood logs at BillerudKorsnäs. Image: BBC

CPI: BBC has not provided full picture on paper

The Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) has accused the BBC of failing to provide the full picture in a documentary about reducing carbon.