Rimes reasoning will become clear this pm

This is going to be an interesting day in the long and depressing history of defunct company creditors' meetings. Well, it will be from where we at PrintWeek sit.

Later this afternoon, the creditors' meeting for failed charity fundraising agency CSDM will take place at 3pm, at an office located somewhere to the west of Kidderminster. Interesting choice of timing, don't you think? Despite it being a Friday afternoon in Bewdley, I expect this particular meeting to be well-attended by the hard core of creditors who want answers about the company's situation and their prospects of being paid. It's not so much the scale of CSDM's deficit, although some creditors are owed six figure sums, it's the fact that half of the £1.4m owed is to businesses linked to director Chris Stoddard.

When news of CSDM's failure first emerged back in June, my eyebrows reached new heights at the comment from Kate Stokes at the administrator Rimes & Co, saying that the firm envisaged all creditors would be paid in full. It's pretty remarkable for someone at an insolvency practitioner to make such a statement ahead of the unwinding of a company's affairs. Neither I nor anyone on the PrintWeek team can ever remember an administrator's representative saying something like this in past circumstances of this nature.

I hope she's right, and that Rimes had good reason to raise people's hopes. Let's see what transpires this pm.