BGP: friends in high places?

Following the comment trail on the BGP "sustainable pricing" story over the past few days has been both enjoyable and illuminating. I'm just a bit disappointed that there has been no contribution on the matter thus far from BPIF chief executive Michael Johnson.

Why? At the Printers' Charitable Corporation annual charity lunch a couple of weeks ago Michael was ever so keen to talk to me about BGP, and to inform me that I'd got it all wrong in my rather sceptical view about the firm's modus operandi and its somewhat curious financial relationship with chairman John Madejski. See my earlier post here, for the back story to this encounter.

Anyhow, Michael's enthusiasm stemmed from a recent visit to Bicester, during which he spent a fair few hours with the management team and had a good look around the plant. He emerged very impressed indeed. If he's correct in his assertion that "nobody pulls the wool over my eyes" then I'm sure he could provide a useful perspective on the current BGP-centred debate, because he must have picked up on some finer points of the business plan that I have been too stupid to appreciate. So come on Michael, don't be shy. Let's hear it.

Meanwhile, the BGP firestorm put me in mind of something I heard the other day: "what's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result".