Star Product
Star product... Morgana DocuFold Pro
A modular folder designed for simple operation
Star Product: HP T400
HP's web inkjet giant was launched to much fanfare in March, and when it comes to size and speed, there's not much that can touch it
Star Product: Kodak Prinergy Connect & Insite PrePress (virtual version)
'Virtualised' workflow set-up designed to boost performance
Star Product: Edale FDC-510
Edale says this die-cutter combines the best of web-fed and flatbed
Star Product: Ricoh Pro C751
Ricoh's latest is targeted at the burgeoning light production market
Star Product: Barbieri Spectropad
High-spec portable spectrophotometer
Star product: Duplo DC-745e
A slitter-cutter-creaser designed with the web-to-print market in mind
Star product: Agfa Jeti 5048UV XL
This five-metre beast can print three separate jobs on three separate rolls
Star product: Sefas Open Print 7
Sefas's flexible integrated personalisation suite
Star product: Heidelberg Prinect Image Control
The latest offline Speedmaster-dedicated spectrophotometer ramps up the speeds.