Star Product

Star Product: QuarkXPress 9

The program that sparked the DTP revolution is revamped for the iPad age

Star Product: Goss Universal

This press is intended to help printers cash in on lucrative contract work

Star product: Muller Martini Tempo E220

According to the manufacturer, this stitcher is ideal for "trickier jobs"

Product of the Week: Nustream Graphic Proofstream

Soft proofing systems are an increasingly popular way to cut cost and waste out of the print production process, discovers Simon Creasey

Product of the Week: KBA Rapida 75E

KBA says that 'E' stands for energy and ecology and promises users will see savings in terms of power consumption. Jo Francis checks over the details

Tried & Tested: Kodak Digimaster

Boasting clever technology and a quality end result, this famously hardy mono digital press has enjoyed success across the globe, says Jon Severs

Product of the Week: KAS MailWrap

Aimed at the mid-range market, this revamped machine appears to tick all the right boxes, says Simon Creasey

Product of the Week: Horizon StitchLiner 6000 Digital

While inline systems might seem to have a natural advantage, this near-line challenger has charms all of its own, discovers <i>Adam Hooker</i>

Product of the Week: Unigraphica Challenger

Web-fed finishing kit is uncommon, but it's worth considering for the right application, says Barney Cox

Tried & Tested: Watkiss DFS

While this machine started life as a one-off, its flexibility and efficiency quickly proved a hit with print firms across the globe, writes <i>Jon Severs</i>