Me & My

Me & my: Nipson DigiFlex
When the time came to replace A1 Security Print’s two ageing Nipson 7000 web-fed digital printers, managing director Jim Richardson didn’t expect to be investing in another Nipson machine. However,...

Me & my: Duplo PFi Di-Cut 300
Spingold director Ed Oakes came to be the proud owner of Europe’s first Duplo PFi Di-Cut 300 by an interesting route.

Me & my: Domino K630i
Black on white is still the clearest way to print text for easy reading, which explains why there are so many mono presses on the market dedicated to book work.

Me & my: Accura MIS
Past, present and future were the focus of his new piece of technology. After eight years in business Imagink managing director Mike Saunders resolved to invest in a management information system.

Me & my: Komori Lithrone G29 H-UV
When it arrived on Valentine’s Day it could almost have been love at first sight. Like all love interests, however, Swallowmax’s new Komori Lithrone G29 H-UV came with expectations and pressures,...

Me & my: Fujifilm Acuity LED 3200R UV
Being first to market with a new product has numerous benefits, but first-mover advantage can also have its downsides.

Me & my: KAS Paper Systems inline plastic card mailing system
When two friends joined forces nearly a decade ago to give something back to those who look after public health, safety and wellbeing on a daily basis, they could probably have never anticipated the...

Me & my: Kornit Storm Hexa
DTG UK is one of those legendary successful print businesses that started in a back room.

Me & my: Agfa Advantage N-DL
Many print companies that run a fleet of machinery from the same manufacturer are likely to cite benefits including consistent quality across the business, proven reliability, the ability to easily...

Me & my: Morgana Systems DigiBook 200
Ever since it was founded more than 40 years ago, London-based City Printing has always looked to move with the times. Over the years the company has embraced emerging print technologies and invested...