Awards xx

You have to be in it to win it
The industry’s great and good descended on London’s Grosvenor House last week to celebrate the best of UK print.

Luxury Packaging Printer of the Year: Boss Print
Luxury comes at a price and judges wanted a lot from this year’s entries, from spectacular production values to printed products that were sturdy yet elegant and fit for purpose. Consistent quality of...

High-volume Magazine Printer of the Year: Wyndeham Roche
The printer in St Austell, Cornwall, pumped up the volume in this reconfigured category on longer-run magazines produced gravure or web offset. Stepping up to the plate were issues of Boat...
Praise for print's people
Jo Francis makes some additions to her list of joy replenishers at the PrintWeek Awards.

Get out of the office. It’s show time!
Decisions, decisions. We’re well into industry’s peak season, when printrooms across the land are (hopefully) at their busiest.

Gavin Martin Colournet takes top prize at Antalis Review
Luxury printer Gavin Martin Colournet celebrated its first win at the Antalis Review 2017 awards last week.

We need to broadcast print’s positive stories
Will the day ever come when the sustainability of print and paper will be accepted without question? Probably not.

Leading Lancashire printers shortlisted for numerous awards
Two Lancashire-based printing companies, Empine Print and Printed Cup Company, have been nominated for a number of awards recognising personal achievement.
Collective pat on the back
Jo Francis salutes the multi-talented people of print.

Inspired customer service always wins
There are few things I look forward to more than the PrintWeek Awards judging days, because they’re a fantastic way to observe how the industry is evolving.