Print buying

Arjo admin reports reveal full scope of debt

Arjowiggins is handing over weekly payments to keep the lights on at its UK mills to offset a £1.2m debt to its energy provider, according to documents filed by the administrators that also highlight...

Employees approve offer for French Arjo sites ahead of court decision

Employees at the French Arjowiggins sites in administration have agreed to accept an improved offer put forward by Lessebo.

Stora scales back Oulu conversion plan

Stora Enso is consulting with employees over revised plans to convert Oulu Mill to packaging board. The latest proposal would involve shutting one of the site’s paper machines with the potential loss...

Print farmer back in action with new guises

Yet more customers have been left out of pocket by a print farmer linked to a number of companies that have been struck off.

Arjo UK ops courted by three bidders

Three businesses are now in contention to buy the Creative Papers aspect of Arjowiggins’ UK operations, which is currently in administration.

First News in compostable wrapping first

First News has become the first children’s magazine to move from polywrap to fully compostable wrappers for its subscription copies.

Print remains 'critical' to HH Global in buoyant Q3 results

HH Global marked year-on-year growth in its latest quarterly results, with boosted print volumes a “fundamental” contributing factor.

Unions call for dialogue with Circle Media

Circle Media Group has reacted to complaints from union representatives on the continent, describing the claims as “unfounded, unsubstantiated and harmful to our businesses”.

Sequana shares suspended pending admin move, court postpones Arjo decision

The Commercial Court of Nanterre has postponed its decision regarding the offers made by potential buyers for three Arjowiggins’ French sites that are in administration “in order to allow the best...

Possible bidder emerges for Arjo UK ops

The shareholder of the company that has made a bid for three of Arjowiggins’ French paper mills has told PrintWeek he is also interested in two of the UK operations, which are also in administration.