Companies & suppliers

Flint to increase prices at flexible packaging arm
Flint Group Flexible Packaging Europe is set to increase prices effective from June 2022.

HP launches interactive platform for Latex users
HP has launched an interactive platform specifically developed to support HP Latex users and help them get the best out of their printers.

WTTB launches flexible design outsourcing service
Where The Trade Buys (WTTB) has launched a subscription-based artwork and design service for its resellers, to help them meet varying levels of demand.

Ricoh: print pipeline is expanding
Ricoh’s Graphic Communications business came close to breakeven last year, with sales up 17% and a near-¥47bn improvement in operating profit.

Blake Envelopes sends aid to Ukrainian refugees
Blake Envelopes has joined forces with School in a Bag and Rapid Relief Team to send 352 school bags and 5,300 meals to the Ukrainian border.

Screen upgrades Truepress Jet520HD
Screen has launched a retrofittable upgrade package for its Truepress Jet 520HD inkjet printer series.

Fedrigoni continues on growth path
The Fedrigoni Group has reported turnover of €1.76bn (£1.48bn) in its results for the 12-month period to March 2022.

Macfarlane gobbles up PackMann in strategic acquisition
Macfarlane Group has acquired German company PackMann Gesellschaft für Verpackungen und Dienstleistungen in a strategic move for the business.

Adare SEC wins Calor contract extension
Adare SEC has been awarded a five-year contract extension with gas supplier Calor for the provision of transactional communication production and expertise.

Ink sales boost Screen GA results
Printers recovering from the pandemic have helped boost the performance of Screen’s Graphic Arts Equipment division, where sales are up nearly 16% and profits have more than doubled.