Rose Calendars ponders past and present on VE Day
Rose Calendars has contrasted the challenges of trading through two World Wars with the current pandemic strictures as the nation commemorates the 75th anniversary of VE Day.
Latest BPIF survey details concerns over recovery
The BPIF’s new survey on print’s response to government support schemes details huge industry take-up of the Job Retention Scheme, but also found that the vast majority of respondents do not expect...
Kall Kwiks step up, but MD says SMEs failed by government
Kall Kwik franchisees across the UK have joined the industry effort to support local communities and the NHS, while the head of its franchise operator has said the government has “failed miserably” to...
Koenig & Bauer details Q1 virus impact
Koenig & Bauer has described its Q1 order intake as “solid” amid a 25.3% decline in sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Reach trading update: content up, advertising down
National and regional news group Reach has detailed an “unprecedented demand” for news and content in a trading update that also shows the full impact of the lockdown in its April trading.
CMC to new launch smart packaging line
Italian manufacturer CMC is set to launch a laser packaging line targeted at online retailers that dynamically produces packaging to match the product size and reduces waste, materials and postage...
Komori downgrades forecasts, makes huge writedown
Komori has posted a massive impairment loss due to the fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic and has revised its expected results for the financial year just ended – with top management taking pay cuts...
Compass adds fast-track CBILS loans
Compass Business Finance is now offering capital- and interest-free loans of up to £250,000 via the government’s CIBLS scheme.
Anti-viral surfaces could help tackle Covid-19 crisis
Anti-viral surface technology could be key to stopping the spread of the coronavirus, according to coatings experts.
Geoff Neal looks to the future after automation spend
Geoff Neal Group rounded off a circa £800,000 automation investment push just prior to the lockdown and is now looking to the future and how to pivot to the opportunities ahead.