
New Mastercut streamlines cutting at Service Graphics
Service Graphics has installed a Mastercut Multi-Tech high-speed, wide-format automated flatbed cutting machine to boost speed and efficiency for production of digitally printed display materials.
Gmail's tabbed inbox sparks open rate debate
Jo Francis has a plethora of unopened emails in her Gmail promotions tab.

Smart kit for eco-friendly operations
Talk of becoming more environmentally friendly and energy efficient can conjure up somewhat daunting images for printers. Becoming the proud owner of swathes of solar panels or a rolling wind farm all...

Me & my: Sun Chemical Streamline ESL HPQ inks
Third-party inks may be less expensive than OEM, but they haven’t always had the best reputation, so can Sun Chemical buck the trend?

Will NIC reforms live up to the hype?
The government says 1.25m businesses and charities will see their National Insurance contributions (NICs) cut by up to £2,000 each when the new Employment Allowance is introduced next year. Business...

Star product: Themediahouse Motioncutter
A flexible laser cutter for short-run dieless personalised applications.

Interview: ‘Post recession, it’s all about expansion’
With more than 30 years in the printing industry under her belt, Fastsigns chief executive Catherine Monson is steeped in both print and the franchise model. She took over at Fastsigns five years ago,...

Still going strong: superannuated kit can still be super
Of most importance to the majority of printers today? Undoubtedly keeping up with the ever-quickening march of technological change. Most, that is, but not quite all.

Boxing clever: how internet sales are repackaging retail
Originally the rapid growth of online sales didn’t seem that startling. It was, after all, coming from a very low base, so annual double-digit percentage growth didn’t seem that remarkable. But even...

Killer app: Killer app PCP puts in a virtuoso performance for Cullum mag
Looking barely old enough to be in HMV on his own, Jamie Cullum has gone and confused the issue even further. The fresh-faced singer-songwriter and instrumentalist has now published his own magazine...