
Overmatter: plants in space

Printing companies often find it difficult to come up with new and creative ideas for their own marketing materials. Which explains why we’ve seen so many brochures with big pictures of printing...

Business inspection: A mail house in tune with clients’ needs

A vibrant printing and mailing business has now added an innovative B2C offering.

Bright ideas make upping performance light work

Do you know what a black belt in Six Sigma can do? How about Kaizen? Are you familiar with its principles? What about the Theory of Constraints (TOC)?

Making the move: setting up shop in new premises

Ever since Margaret Thatcher declared her belief in a “property-owning democracy” and introduced Right to Buy in 1980, the UK has been a country obsessed with houses as something, not just to live in,...

Interview: The need for closer print partnerships

In our second series of interviews with a selection of judges from the PrintWeek Awards, we once again take the opportunity to quiz some leading buyers and experts on the internal and external...

Ink price hike fears grow as manufacturers’ margins shrink

While there is generally a more buoyant mood in the industry at the moment, there is an increasingly insistent murmur that ink prices may be on the rise.

Stores seek to pack in the products – and the punters

Few sectors have had their business model so radically altered by the recession than grocery retailers.

Q&A: Francis Atterbury Partner, Hurtwood Press

Francis was, literally, born into the industry. Having swerved a potential career in house sales, he has worked in print for over 35 years and now heads up print and book production consultancy...

Killer app: Rider turns to pyromania for Print Club exhibition

Trendy asymmetric haircuts, thick-rimmed glasses and more beards than you can shake a, um, razor blade at – there’s no mistaking a Blisters screen print exhibition.

Smooth surface of sector belies ongoing innovation

Upon learning that two well-known packaging boards have a combined age of almost a century, one might imagine that innovation in packaging substrates is in short supply.